If you find yourself spending valuable time chasing payment of invoices instead of running your business, then perhaps our Credit Control service is exactly what your company needs. We will lift the pressure and stress of keeping on top of your customer accounts, leaving you free to concentrate on the day to day business of operating and growing your company.
Generating revenue is vital to any business and our expert team will maximise your cash flow and resolve any problematic customer accounts. Our professional but diligent approach will ensure complete consistency with your accounts receivable ledger.
Protection of your customer relationships and reputation are central to our Credit Control service. Our services are entirely on your terms and we can operate in confidence as an extension of your company. Should your customers fall overdue we have the experience to manage the full recovery process of your sums, every step of the way. An Account Manager will be appointed who will regularly provide aged debt reports to keep you in the picture.
We can also offer credit check facilities for all new customers to allow you to make an informed decision on whom you conduct business with and further protect your company.
Our service can also be offered on a temporary basis or ongoing to allow you to focus on what’s important... running your business.