Collecting what's due to our Commercial and Consumer clients is what we do. In this economic climate it is imperative that no time is wasted. We analyse each case individually to ensure the quickest and most economical process to recover money owed to you. We will tailor the entire collection process to ensure your company profile, marketplace and reputation. Your case will be assigned to an account manager who will be responsible for managing the case from instruction to resolution.
You will be in control. Our team will provide an honest assessment as to prospects of recovery prior to referral to court action or enforcement and will keep you informed of the status of the debt as well as any costs which you may incur every step of the way.
We manage each and every case from initial collections activity through court action and enforcement until settlement is made or all attempts to collect or enforce are exhausted.
Our services are provided on a UK wide basis. We have expert knowledge of collection, litigation and enforcement in all legal systems throughout the UK. With the assistance of partner solicitors and high court enforcement officers, we are able to provide UK wide coverage. We can also assist with collection, litigation and enforcement internationally.
County Court Judgements or Judgements in other countries can be registered in Scotland and thereafter enforcement can proceed in the same manner as a Decree granted in the Scottish Courts.